Ongoing Webinar Series
Webinar: NAM-based strategies for systemic toxicity assessment Date: 12 March 2025 Time: 11:00 am–12:30 pm ET Presenters: Katie Paul-Friedman, US Environmental Protection Agency, and Elisabet Berggren, European Commission Joint Research Centre Register here. This webinar is organized by PETA Science Consortium International and the Institute for In Vitro Sciences EPIC Webinar Series on the Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Risk AssessmentA webinar series co-organised by the US Environmental Protection Agency, PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (EPIC). Continue Reading |
PETA Science Consortium International organized webinars
The following are links to select webinars on non-animal testing approaches that were organized by the Science Consortium or its members.
Acute Systemic Toxicity
- EPIC webinar series: The CATMoS Model for Acute Oral Toxicity and Evaluation of its Potential Use in a Regulatory Context for Pesticide Hazard and Risk Assessment
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2024)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: 3R Approach to Acute Oral toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: Alternative Approaches to Mammalian Acute Systemic Toxicity Testing
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2015)
Click HERE for webinar.
- Applications and Benefits of Animal-Free Recombinant Antibodies
(four-part webinar series hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, NICEATM, and EURL ECVAM; 2020)
Click HERE for webinars.
- PEP webinar series: Use of Computational and AOP-based Approaches to Inform Carcinogenicity Assessments
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar.
Databases, In Silico Modeling, and Read-Across
- PEP webinar series: CATMoS: Development and Use of the Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - The Integrated Chemical Environment: Tools and Data to Support Toxicity Assessments
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; 2019)
Click HERE for presentation. Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: Perspectives on the Development, Evaluation, and Application of in Silico Approaches for Predicting Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Silico Models for Toxicity Prediction
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video. - REACH webinar series: OECD QSAR Toolbox and Read-across
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2014)
Click HERE for webinar.
Developmental Neurotoxicity
- EPIC webinar series: OECD Updates and the Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) In Vitro Test Battery
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2023)
Click HERE for webinar.
- PEP webinar series: Data-Driven Solutions to Reducing Animal Use in Ecotoxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: New Approaches for Fish Toxicity Testing
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2019)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: (Zebra)Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test to Predict Short Term Toxicity to Fish (and Beyond)
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2015)
Click HERE for webinar.
Eye Irritation and Corrosion
- EPIC webinar series: Advancing Eye Irritation Assessment with Non-Animal Methods for Industrial Chemicals and Agrochemicals: Progress at the US EPA
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2024)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: Acceptance and Use of In Vitro and Ex Vivo Eye Irritation Test Methods
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - Alternatives for Eye Irritation and Corrosion Testing
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; 2018)
Click HERE for video. - Alternative Methods to Animal Testing: Ocular Irritation Assays
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video. - REACH webinar series: Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2014)
Click HERE for webinar.
Foetal Bovine Serum
- Replacing Foetal Bovine Serum in Cell Culture Media
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; 2019)
Click HERE for webinar.
- Development of In Silico Systems for Expert Review Under ICH M7 Guideline: Increasing Efficiency Through Automated Arguments
(hosted by Lhasa Limited; 2023)
Click HERE for webinar. - Novel Safety Assessment of Antiviral Nucleoside Analogues using ToxTracker
(hosted by Toxys; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - New Approach Methodologies For Genetic Toxicity Assessment and Regulatory Evaluation Of New and Existing Substances
(hosted by ScitoVation; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - New Alternative and Approach Methods To Assess Genotoxicity In Human Relevant Systems
(hosted by ScitoVation; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - A Revolution In Mutagenicity Testing: Exploring the Utility of Error-Corrected Next Generation Sequencing to Quantify and Characterize Mutations
(hosted by ScitoVation; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - Advancing In Vitro Models for Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity
(hosted by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - Advances in Genotoxicity Testing: Reconstructed Skin Comet and Micronucleus Assays
(hosted by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - New Approach Methods in Genotoxicity and Mechanistic Toxicity Testing for the Animal-free Safety Assessment of Novel Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
(hosted by the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Silico Prediction of Genotoxicity: Current Applications and Future Perspectives
(hosted by Lhasa Limited; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Adverse Outcome Pathways
(hosted by The Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society; 2020)
Click HERE for webinar.
Inhalation Toxicity Testing
- Using In Silico and In Vitro Approaches for Next Generation Risk Assessment of Potential Respiratory Toxicants webinar series: Exposure and Dosimetry
(co-organised by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Unilever, Syngenta, and PETA Science Consortium International; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Using In Silico and In Vitro Approaches for Next Generation Risk Assessment of Potential Respiratory Toxicants webinar series: Case Studies 1
(co-organised by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Unilever, Syngenta, and PETA Science Consortium International; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Using In Silico and In Vitro Approaches for Next Generation Risk Assessment of Potential Respiratory Toxicants webinar series: Case Studies 2
(co-organised by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Unilever, Syngenta, and PETA Science Consortium International; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: New Approaches for Respiratory Sensitization
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2019)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: MPPD and CFD Modeling to Predict Dosimetry of Inhaled Substances
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2019)
Click HERE for webinar. - Inhalation Toxicity Testing
(webinar series hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; 2018)
Click HERE for webinars. - Current Testing Practices for Acute Inhalation Toxicity: Regulatory Requirements and Non-regulatory Testing
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - State-of-the-Science, Practical Application, and Dosimetry Considerations for in Vitro and ex Vivo Methods for Acute Inhalation Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - State-of-the-Science and Practical Application of in Silico Methods for Acute Inhalation Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - GHS Additivity Approach to Classify Mixtures Based on Ingredient Toxicity for Acute Inhalation Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - Adverse Outcome Pathways for Acute Inhalation Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - 21st Century Testing Approaches for Acute Inhalation Toxicity
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Integrated Laboratory Systems; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar.
Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment
- EPIC webinar series: Development and Application of NAMs Workflows and Tools
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2023)
Click HERE for webinar. - Integration of New Approach Methods for Testing and Assessment
(recorded by PETA Science Consortium International for India’s 1st National Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing; 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - Introduction to Non-whole Animal Test Methods
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video.
- Webinar Series on In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing: Application Case Studies
(hosted by the Institute for In Vitro Sciences and PETA Science Consortium International; 2023)
Click HERE for video. - Webinar Series on In Vitro Phototoxicity Testing: Methodological Overview
(hosted by the Institute for In Vitro Sciences and PETA Science Consortium International; 2023)
Click HERE for video. - Assessment of Phototoxicity Using in Vitro Methods
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video.
Regulatory Acceptance
- EPIC webinar series: Establishing Confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAMs): an ICCVAM Report and a Case Study Using Branched Carboxylic Acids
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2024)
Click HERE for webinar. - Webinar Series on Fulfilling Pesticide Toxicity Testing Requirements in India: Use of New Approach Methodologies to Meet Pesticide Testing Requirements in India
(hosted by PETA India, the Biological Agri Solutions Association of India, and the Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments; 2023)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: Frameworks for Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methodologies: Part 2
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2023)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: Frameworks for Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methodologies: Part 1
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2022)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: Identification of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for Placement on the TSCA Section 4(h)(2)(C) List: A Proposed NAM Nomination Form
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: The Regulatory Processes Involved in Acceptance of Non-Animal Tests
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2015)
Click HERE for webinar.
Skin Irritation and Corrosion
- REACH webinar series: Skin Irritation and Corrosion
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Vitro Assays for Dermal Safety and Efficacy Testing for Regulatory Purposes
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; Chinese subtitles; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Vitro Assays for Dermal Safety and Efficacy Testing for Non-Regulatory Purposes
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International; Chinese subtitles; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Vitro Assays Used for Safety Assessment: Skin Irritation and Corrosion
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video. - REACH webinar series: Skin Irritation and Corrosion
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2014)
Click HERE for webinar. - PETA Science Consortium International in Vitro Methods for Skin Irritation and Corrosion Testing Training Tool
Click HERE for training tool.
Skin Sensitisation
- EPIC webinar series: Regulatory Tools for Assessing the Skin Sensitization Potential of Chemicals and a Case Study Using the SARA-ICE Model
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PETA Science Consortium International, the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; 2024)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: Use of Non-animal Skin Sensitisation Test Methods
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - REACH webinar series: Skin Sensitisation
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - PEP webinar series: BASF’s 2 out of 3 approach and Kao’s Sequential Testing Strategy for Skin Sensitisation Testing
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - Integrated Testing Strategies for Assessing the Skin Sensitization Potential of Chemicals
(recorded for the PETA India course “Replacing Regulatory Experiments on Animals: An Introduction to in Silico Models and in Vitro Test Methods”; 2017)
Click HERE for video. - REACH webinar series: Skin Sensitization
(hosted by PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch; 2015)
Click HERE for webinar.
External webinars
The following are links to select webinars on the use of non-animal testing approaches that were not organized by the Science Consortium.
Acute Systemic Toxicity
- Acute Oral and Dermal Toxicity (Session 1 of 5 of the New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) Nix the Six webinar series)
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar.
Adverse Outcome Pathways
- AOPs: Assembling and Evaluating Weight of Evidence and Quantitative Understanding
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - Adverse Outcome Pathways Knowledge Base (AOP-KB) and AOP Developing Tips
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - Testing and Assessment Methodologies: Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Framework
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 2019)
Click HERE for webinar. - Adverse Outcome Pathways: From Research to Regulation
(three-day workshop co-sponsored by the National Toxicology Program Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM); 2014)
Click HERE for video. - Introduction to Effectopedia
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 2014)
Click HERE for webinar. - Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Learning Channel
Click HERE for AOP-related videos. - Human Toxicology Project Consortium AOP Online Course
Click HERE for course modules.
- The Making of Recombinant Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies for High Performance in Bioanalytical Assays
(hosted by Bio-Rad; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - Bio-Rad: Recombinant antibody webinars
Click HERE for webinars.
Databases, In Silico Modeling, and Read-Across
- Tour de Force of Tools from the US EPA to Support Assessments of Alternatives
(hosted by Association for the Advancement of Alternatives Assessment (A4); 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - QSAR Toolbox version 4.0 Features
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - OECD QSAR Toolbox training
(hosted by European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); 2017)
Click HERE for video. - IVAMSS and MDCPSS Joint Webinar: Use of in Silico Modelling in Preclinical Testing
(hosted by the In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section (IVAMSS) of the Society of Toxicology (SOT); 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - Cheminformatics and Toxicogenomics for Toxicology Prediction and Mechanistic Insight (part of the Computational Toxicology Communities of Practice monthly webinar series)
(hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); 2013)
Click HERE for presentation. - Negative Predictions for Skin Sensitisation
(hosted by Lhasa Limited)
Click HERE for webinar. - OECD QSAR Toolbox training resources
Click HERE for materials. - Simulations Plus webinars on their modeling and simulation software
Click HERE for videos. - ToxBank Tutorials
Click HERE for tutorials. - TOXLINE training materials for databases containing references covering the biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals
Click HERE for materials.
Eye Irritation and Corrosion
- Skin and Eye Irritation (Session 3 of 5 of the New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) Nix the Six webinar series)
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for Hazard Identification of Eye Irritating Chemicals Using Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelial (RhCE) Tissue Model
(hosted by MatTek; 2015)
Click HERE for video. - OECD Test Guideline 437: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Test Method for Identifying i) Chemicals Inducing Serious Eye Damage and ii) Chemicals Not Requiring Classification for Eye Irritation or Serious Eye Damage
(hosted by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 2015)
Click HERE for video. - Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Training Video
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2015)
Click HERE for webinar. (Español) - Serious Eye Damage and Eye Irritation
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2015)
Click HERE for webinar. - Short Time Exposure (STE) Assay: Method and Use
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2013)
Click HERE for webinar. - Current Perspectives and New Directions Using the BCOP Assay—Applications in the Regulatory Arena
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2011)
Click HERE for webinar.
- Evaluation of Medical Devices for Genetic Toxicity: A Global Perspective
(hosted by Society of Toxicology (SOT) Medical Device and Combination Product Specialty Section (MDCPSS); 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - Reconstructed Human Skin Micronucleus Assay (RSMN): A Novel Micronucleus Assay in a 3D Human Skin Model
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2014)
Click HERE for webinar.
Inhalation Toxicity Testing
- Increasing Scientific Confidence in Reliable and Relevant Approaches for Regulatory Testing—A Respiratory Toxicity Case Study
(hosted by ScitoVation; 2022)
Click HERE for video. - Acute Inhalation Toxicity (Session 4 of 5 of the New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) Nix the Six webinar series)
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Alternative Approaches to Inhalation Toxicity Testing
(hosted by the 58th annual Society of Toxicology (SOT) conference ancillary meeting; 2020)
Click HERE for webinars. - Organotypic in Vitro Human Respiratory Models of the Tracheobronchial and Alveolar Epithelium—EpiAirwayTM and EpiAlveolarTM
(hosted by MatTek; 2014)
Click HERE for webinar.
Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment
- Use of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) to Facilitate Regulatory Use of Non-Standard Testing Methods
(hosted by the Society of Toxicology (SOT) In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section (IVAMSS); 2016)
Click HERE for webinar.
Medical Devices
- Session 1 of 2 of the New Approach Methodologies for the Biological Safety Assessment of Medical Devices webinar series
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - Session 2 of 2 of the New Approach Methodologies for the Biological Safety Assessment of Medical Devices webinar series
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar.
Organs-on-Chips, Organ Plates, and 3D Tissue Models
- Modeling Gut-Liver Interaction Using EpiIntestinal™ Micro-Tissues In the Human Dynamic Multi-Organ Plate (Hu-DMOP)
(hosted by MatTek and IONTOX; 2018)
Click HERE for webinar. - Physiologically-Relevant Tissue Models Using a High-Throughput Organ-on-a-Chip Platform
(hosted by MIMETAS; 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - Use of Bioprinted 3D Human Tissues for the Assessment of Drug Toxicity
(hosted by Organovo; 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. - Human Organs-on-Chips as Replacements for Animal Testing
(hosted by the Society of Toxicology (SOT) In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section (IVAMSS); 2014)
Click HERE for webinar.
- The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2016)
Click HERE for webinar. (Español, 中文, Português) - In Vitro 3T3 Phototoxicity Assay Practical Experiences: Assay Optimization and Challenges
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2015)
Click HERE for webinar. - In Vitro Phototoxicity Assays
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2013)
Click HERE for webinar.
- PyroGene™ Recombinant Factor C Assay—An Animal-free Alternative Method for Endotoxin Detection (hosted by Lonza; 2013)
Click HERE for video. - The Whole Blood Assay: Detecting a Broad Spectrum of Pyrogens and Examples for Medical Device Testing (hosted by EMD Millipore; 2015)
Click HERE for video.
Regulatory Acceptance
- What’s New with New Approach Methodologies: A Webinar
(hosted by Bergeson & Campbell, PC; 2025)
Click HERE for webinar. - Opportunities and Outlook (Session 5 of 5 of the New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) Nix the Six webinar series)
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - How to Get to Safer Alternatives Using Non-Animal Testing Methods
(hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Alternatives Assessment; 2020)
Click HERE for webinar. - New Approach Methodology Use for Regulatory Application (NURA): Integrating New Approaches into Your TSCA Testing
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2018)
Click HERE for presentations. - The “V” Word: Ongoing Efforts to Assess the Validity of In Vitro and Alternative Methods for Chemical Safety Assessment
(hosted by the Society of Toxicology (SOT) In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section (IVAMSS); 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - TSCA Reform
(hosted by the Society of Toxicology (SOT) In Vitro and Alternative Methods Specialty Section (IVAMSS); 2017)
Click HERE for webinar. - Regulatory Initiatives for New Approaches to Traditional Toxicity Testing
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2016)
Click HERE for webinar.
Skin Irritation and Corrosion
- Skin Irritation and Corrosion
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2014)
Click HERE for webinar. - Revisiting Skin Irritation Testing Strategies Applying Non-Animal Test Methods
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2012)
Click HERE for webinar. - An in Vitro Skin Irritation Test (SIT) using the EpiDerm Reconstructed Human Epidermal (RHE) model
(hosted by MatTek; 2009)
Click HERE for video.
Skin Sensitisation
- Dermal Sensitization (Session 2 of 5 of the New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) Nix the Six webinar series)
(hosted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; 2021)
Click HERE for webinar. - KeratinoSens Assay for Identifying Skin Sensitizers
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2014)
Click HERE for webinar. - Integrated Testing Strategies for In Vitro Skin Sensitization Testing
(hosted by Institute for In Vitro Sciences (IIVS); 2013)
Click HERE for webinar.
Alternatives Searches
- Meeting Requirements for Alternatives Searches
(hosted by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare; 2014)
Click HERE for video.