Reference Documents
2018 PETA Science Consortium International and Chemical Watch webinar series featuring Dr Gertrude-Emilia Costin (Institute for In Vitro Sciences) and Dr Costanza Rovida (TEAM Mastery and CAAT-Europe) speaking on skin irritation and corrosion
OECD TG 439: In vitro skin irritation: Reconstructed human epidermis test method
OECD TG 431: In vitro skin corrosion: Reconstructed human epidermis test method
OECD TG 435: In vitro membrane barrier test method for skin corrosion
OECD TG 430: In vitro skin corrosion: Transcutaneous electrical resistance test method
ECHA guidance on skin irritation/corrosion
De Jong et al. Round robin study to evaluate the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) model as an in vitro skin irritation test for detection of irritant activity in medical device extracts. Toxicol in Vitro. 2018;accepted manuscript.
Casas et al. In vitro human skin irritation test for evaluation of medical device extracts. Toxicol in Vitro. 2013;27(8): 2175–2183.